Firm58 provides cloud-based broker dealer and trading firm back office automation solutions, including profit analysis, compliance and surveillance, CSA and soft dollar management, compensation, accounting, position reporting and billing.
Meer Research quickly, confidentially, and correctly performs your political or market research. Meer offers survey research and data analysis for political, corporate, and non-profit organizations.
Utilizing consumer psychology and visitors’ analysis, Netotiate increases online merchants’ sales revenue by at least 10% and jumps profit margins by 25%
Utilizing consumer psychology and visitors’ analysis, Netotiate increases online merchants’ sales revenue by at least 10% and jumps profit margins by 25%
Cost volume profit of online and traditional marketing can help you determine maximum profit volume or market share opportunities - Most businesses and their online marketing firms focus on middle metrics, without first considering overall business goals
We employ Forensic methodology to achieve cost savings across a wide range of expenses. In many cases significant outcomes occur without price negotiation.
Cost management process that guarantees results. No Savings No Fee. Since 1990, J Galt has helped businesses save millions without any time or financial risks.
Developing Web Analytics Services to help Entrepreneurs improve their online customer experience by automatically implementing and sending Monthly Reports.
FAS builds the resources that increase profit; specializing in operational efficiency, analytics & strategic planning. Increase profit with FAS Advisory.
It is a web site of Magdalena Woronowicz informing about her professional career. Magdalena is based in Lausanne (Switzerland) and works for one of the biggest glass producer worldwide.
Small business web hosting offering additional business services such as: domain name registrations, email accounts, web services, FrontPage help, online community resources and various small business solutions.
Stock charts reveal easily identified patterns... like clockwork. Learn to read chart patterns. Keep your winners, eliminate the laggards! Use chart analysis to make your stock market investing decisi