This blog is dedicated to my thoughts and advice on how to eliminate back pain, corrective exercises, egoscue, and other non-medical pain relief methods.
Robin Turner and Michaela Colluney offer Fascial Stretch Therapy, Active Isolated Stretching, Soft Tissue Release, Posture, Corrective Exercise and Kids Programs, Vancouver, BC
Brad Hunter Personal Trainer - Fat tissue reduction, Building core strength and flexibility, Toning muscles and conditioning, Gaining lean muscle tissue, Improving flexibility, Corrective exercise, Posture correction, Support and motivation, Decreasing bo
Owner of Nashville Neuromuscular Center since 1998 Rebecca provides neuromuscular massage therapy, myofascial massage & movement, and posture corrective exercise for pain relief
Assess and Correct: Breaking Barriers to Unlock Sports Performance. Corrective exercises and agility training book written by Mike Robertson, Eric Cressey, and Bill Hartman. Correct Neck, Back, Posture Spine Pain and Improve Your Sports Performance.
Chris Roy provides fitness expertise that has been helping people, from beginning exercisers to Olympic athletes, reach their fitness goals for over 25 years
Chris Roy provides fitness expertise that has been helping people, from beginning exercisers to Olympic athletes, reach their fitness goals for over 25 years
Pure Movement Studio is located in in Northern California in Santa Rosa, Sonoma County, CA. Since it s opening in 2005, Debra Has trained clients with a variety of interests, ranging from the elite athlete to highly complex medical and orthopedic issues.
Posture correction for muscle imbalance such as anterior pelvic tilt, rolled shoulders, forward head and more. Posture correction can be done with exercise and
This blog is dedicated to my thoughts and advice on how to eliminate back pain, corrective exercises, egoscue, and other non-medical pain relief methods. provides information for anyone looking to improve their posture or ease back pain. Get help selecting the right back support and
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