Produzione vini nel Veneto. La cantina Zaghis è produttore di prosecco doc, Cabernet, Cabernet Franc, Refosco dal Peduncolo Rosso, Verduzzo, Malbeck, Pinot e Raboso rosato. Vino sfuso a Gorgo Al Monticano, Treviso.
Azienda vinicola aderente al Consorzio Vini D.O.C. Colli Piacentini, nel pieno rispetto della tradizione e dell’ambiente. Produzione limitata volta ad esaltare i caratteri varietali dei vitigni con maggiori estrazioni di profumi e sapori.
Premium Australian wines that reflect the spirit of Italy. Our range of Italian varietal wines - all grown & produced on our Mudgee vineyard - is the most comprehensive in Australia. White wines in the crisp, aromatic style of the Veneto & savoury
Premium Australian wines that reflect the spirit of Italy. Our range of Italian varietal wines - all grown & produced on our Mudgee vineyard - is the most comprehensive in Australia. White wines in the crisp, aromatic style of the Veneto & savoury
Premium Australian wines that reflect the spirit of Italy. Our range of Italian varietal wines - all grown & produced on our Mudgee vineyard - is the most comprehensive in Australia. White wines in the crisp, aromatic style of the Veneto & savoury
Premium Australian wines that reflect the spirit of Italy. Our range of Italian varietal wines - all grown & produced on our Mudgee vineyard - is the most comprehensive in Australia. White wines in the crisp, aromatic style of the Veneto & savoury
Premium Australian wines that reflect the spirit of Italy. Our range of Italian varietal wines - all grown & produced on our Mudgee vineyard - is the most comprehensive in Australia. White wines in the crisp, aromatic style of the Veneto & savoury
Premium Australian wines that reflect the spirit of Italy. Our range of Italian varietal wines - all grown & produced on our Mudgee vineyard - is the most comprehensive in Australia. White wines in the crisp, aromatic style of the Veneto & savoury
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