The Photographic Preservation Center preserves photographic glassplate negatives. We provide scanning, archiving and printing services to collectors, museums, libraries and historical societies.
The Photographic Preservation Center preserves photographic glassplate negatives. We provide scanning, archiving and printing services to collectors, museums, libraries and historical societies.
Antique Photography Studio is the place where historic photographic processes are available in the 21st century; wet plate collodion process. We do, ambrotypes, tintypes, glass negatives, albumen prints, black and white photography.
The Photographic Preservation Center preserves photographic glassplate negatives. We provide scanning, archiving and printing services to collectors, museums, libraries and historical societies.
The Photographic Preservation Center preserves photographic glassplate negatives. We provide scanning, archiving and printing services to collectors, museums, libraries and historical societies.
Antique Photography Studio is the place where historic photographic processes are available in the 21st century; wet plate collodion process. We do, ambrotypes, tintypes, glass negatives, albumen prints, black and white photography.
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