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In Oberammergau, over 2000 participants bring the story of Jesus of Nazareth to the ears and eyes of the audience in a five-hour Passion Play on the imposing open-air stage.
In Oberammergau, over 2000 participants bring the story of Jesus of Nazareth to the ears and eyes of the audience in a five-hour Passion Play on the imposing open-air stage.
In Oberammergau, over 2000 participants bring the story of Jesus of Nazareth to the ears and eyes of the audience in a five-hour Passion Play on the imposing open-air stage.
In Oberammergau, over 2000 participants bring the story of Jesus of Nazareth to the ears and eyes of the audience in a five-hour Passion Play on the imposing open-air stage.
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In Oberammergau, over 2000 participants bring the story of Jesus of Nazareth to the ears and eyes of the audience in a five-hour Passion Play on the imposing open-air stage.
Amelia Molly Heath is a Tacoma, Wash.-based senior BFA Theatre major studying Acting & Directing at Pacific Lutheran University. She is pursuing additional interests in the realms of theatrical design...
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In Oberammergau, over 2000 participants bring the story of Jesus of Nazareth to the ears and eyes of the audience in a five-hour Passion Play on the imposing open-air stage.
In Oberammergau, over 2000 participants bring the story of Jesus of Nazareth to the ears and eyes of the audience in a five-hour Passion Play on the imposing open-air stage.
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