A huge educational site about meteorites. An extension of New England Meteoritical Service's laboratory, this site offers the largest selection of meteorites and meteoritical materials on Earth to collectors, students, educators, universities, and museums
Dieser Blog dient der zusätzlichen Information zu unserem cenap-ufo-meldestelle-blog und beinhaltet Berichte und überwiegend Bildmaterialien aus der Luft- und Raumfahrt, sowie aus der Astronomie und der kritischen und skeptischen UFO-Forschung. HINTERGRUN
Breathtaking astrophotography by Alex Conu, the only Romanian astrophotographer selected in the final of the Astronomy Photographer of The Year 2013 contest. Galaxies, Northern Lights, eclipses or comet ISON; you will find them all here.
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