Lateral Sands is an ASIC and FPGA design and verification services house. Lateral Sands specializes in Object Oriented Verification Methodoliges using Vera and System Verilog.
Lateral Sands is an ASIC and FPGA design and verification services house. Lateral Sands specializes in Object Oriented Verification Methodoliges using Vera and System Verilog.
Lateral Digital is a full service digital marketing agency, delivering stunning websites, compelling content and pay per performance search marketing campaigns.
Aqua Yoga Moves Spines in All Directions In an Aqua Yoga class, as in all Yoga classes, spinal movement is an important class design element to consider. Our spines are capable of being in neutral, flexion, extension, rotation and lateral flexion
The Bakken & Three Forks Completions Congress 2013 will Identify Optimal Lateral Length And Well Spacing, Number Of Frac Stages, Frac Design And Production Strategy For Economically Maximizing Oil Recovery In Bakken And Three Forks Reservoirs