Sargam Musics has Malayalam Devotional songs, Tamil Devotional songs, Sansckrit Devotional Songs, Folk and Instrumental Music, Panchavadyam, Pandi Melam, Thayambaka, Sinkari Melam, Kids Animation CDs, Classical Music CDs, School Kalotsavam CDs, Kannada, H
An easy to understand and beautifully designed game that will capture your child's imagination and each him or her how musical instruments sound and look. Probably, the best introduction to classical music.
Magical and fun music for children, featuring popular and original kids' songs for toddlers and pre-schoolers, all performed by a classical musician named BrianBoy!
One Stop Arts is the new website for Londoners who want to find what to go and see in the arts. You'll find listings and expert reviews of theatre, classical music, museums, opera, dance, ballet and the visual arts, as well as a special section for kids.
Classical Music and Modern Music training to the new generation of musicians in a professional environment and tutoring. Music Teaching for Youth and Kids on Orchestras. We serve South Florida, Miami Area.Classical Music for the New Generation
Allport Productions is your independent Media Production resource. We specialize in Classical Music Projects, Kids and Music, Documentaries, Digital Video, and Voice Over Production.
Allport Productions is your independent Media Production resource. We specialize in Classical Music Projects, Kids and Music, Documentaries, Digital Video, and Voice Over Production.
Allport Productions is your independent Media Production resource. We specialize in Classical Music Projects, Kids and Music, Documentaries, Digital Video, and Voice Over Production.
Kristi Bartleson offers harp lessons in the Boulder area for kids and adults of all ages and levels. Kristi has over 20 years playing and teaching experience and teaches various styles of music including classical, pop, and folk.
Welcome to the Linda Kim Piano Studios! We believe in keeping piano lessons fun and upbeat, with music that kids love to hear and play. Past recitals have featured themes such as Classical, Jazz
Allport Productions is your independent Media Production resource. We specialize in Classical Music Projects, Kids and Music, Documentaries, Digital Video, and Voice Over Production.
Atlanta opera company Capitol City Opera that inspires and educates audiences for children and adults. Performance opportunities for local artists include classical music for kids and classical singing. Enjoy nights such as Dinner And A Diva. Capitol C
Classical New England presents a 24-hour continuous channel of classical music programs created for kids. Listen to the Kids Classical Channel and introduce the world of classical music to a young person in your life.
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