Birkat Chaverim is a store created to sell the Bnei Akiva Birkon, (grace after meals or bencher) as well as a site of artist, graphic designer and web designer, Meira Josephy. Works include the bencher, Ketubbot, custom invitations, and pictures. Visit th
Artist Archie Granot creates unique Jewish paper art and ketubahs by utilizing the traditional craft of Judaica paper cutting. Works include the ketubah, haggadah, birkat habayit and more.
Artist Archie Granot creates unique Jewish paper art and ketubahs by utilizing the traditional craft of Judaica paper cutting. Works include the ketubah, haggadah, birkat habayit and more.
Jewish prayers are more than phrases to be repeated. They imply a world vision, a compromise with God and ourselves. Find prayers for all occasions. Jews can pray in any language. Traditional Hebrew Prayers. Jews Prayers. Judaism.
Birkas Hamazon, Birchas Hamazon, Prayer After Meals (Bentchen) / Grace, Blessing After Meals. Visit to say Birchas Hamazon (Bentching) anywhere you are...
On this site we are giving you the opportunity to order personalised Birchat Hamazon and Z'mirot cards and booklets for your special family occasions and other functions, from a large selection of artists and suppliers. Here you will find the largest sele
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