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As a non-profit 501 (c) (3) animal welfare organization, Arizona Basset Hound Rescue, Inc. provides veterinary care, food, support, and shelter to Basset Hounds, Bloodhounds and Basset Hound mixes needing assistance in Arizona.
Wyoming Basset Hound Rescue and Adoption is a non-profit, volunteer organization dedicated to assisting abandoned, lost or unwanted Basset Hounds in Wyoming find new homes.
Michigan Basset Rescue is a federally recognized 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization founded in 1992. Our primary goal has remained the same, to find permanent homes for bassets in need in the state of Michigan. MBR is funded solely by private donations and
Basset Hound Rescue of Georgia, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit, 100% volunteer effort to save abandoned and mistreated basset hounds in Georgia. Our
rescue effort began in 1991, and we have rescued over 3,000 bassets since then. BHRG exists solely on donat
Oregon Basset Hound Rescue exists in order to find homes for basset hounds who have been abandoned, dropped off at shelters, or have ended up homeless for some other reason. Bassets available for adoption are placed in foster homes with families while the
Basset Hound Rescue of Georgia, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit, 100% volunteer effort to save abandoned and mistreated basset hounds in Georgia. Our
rescue effort began in 1991, and we have rescued over 2,900 bassets since then. BHRG exists solely on donat
Basset Hound Rescue of Georgia, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit, 100% volunteer effort to save abandoned and mistreated basset hounds in Georgia. Our
rescue effort began in 1991, and we have rescued over 2,900 bassets since then. BHRG exists solely on donat
Basset Hound Rescue of Georgia, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit, 100% volunteer effort to save abandoned and mistreated basset hounds in Georgia. Our
rescue effort began in 1991, and we have rescued over 2,900 bassets since then. BHRG exists solely on donat
Basset Hound Rescue of Georgia, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit, 100% volunteer effort to save abandoned and mistreated basset hounds in Georgia. Our
rescue effort began in 1991, and we have rescued over 2,900 bassets since then. BHRG exists solely on donat
Basset Hound Rescue of Georgia, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit, 100% volunteer effort to save abandoned and mistreated basset hounds in Georgia. Our
rescue effort began in 1991, and we have rescued over 2,900 bassets since then. BHRG exists solely on donat
Basset Hound Rescue of Georgia, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit, 100% volunteer effort to save abandoned and mistreated basset hounds in Georgia. Our
rescue effort began in 1991, and we have rescued over 2,900 bassets since then. BHRG exists solely on donat
Basset Hound Rescue of Georgia, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit, 100% volunteer effort to save abandoned and mistreated basset hounds in Georgia. Our
rescue effort began in 1991, and we have rescued over 3,000 bassets since then. BHRG exists solely on donat
Basset Hound Rescue of Georgia, Inc. is a 501(c)3 non-profit, 100% volunteer effort to save abandoned and mistreated basset hounds in Georgia. Our
rescue effort began in 1991, and we have rescued over 2,900 bassets since then. BHRG exists solely on donat
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