This is the home page of Westside Baptist Church in Newnan GA. Dr Melvin Payne is the Senior Pastor, Rev. Alton Midgett Jr is the Pastor and Rev. William Davison is the Youth Pastor.
For an experienced family lawyer in Evans, Georgia, call 706-250-2969/800-664-3058 to reach William C. Davison, Attorney at Law. For over 20 years, he's been representing people in Georgia.
Mini Title is a photographic agency representing artists working in the fashion, editorial and advertising sectors. Representing Andrea Artemisio, Blommers & Schumm, Jack Davison, Roger Deckker, Marcus Gaab, Carl Kleiner, Eric Nehr, William Selde
This site is manly for props and costumes that I own or have owned over the years, along with many items from other private collections, read more.....
This site is manly for props and costumes that I own or have owned over the years, along with many items from other private collections, read more.....
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