Des Was a Bowie Fan is a London clubnight playing indiepop, new wave, riot grrrl, garage punk, rock'n'roll, Motown, Northern Soul, Black American Swing, klezmer and Balkan Brass. For our next night we travel East of Shoreditch to The George Tave
Mindela Ruby MOSH IT UP A novel by Mindela Ruby Punk rock riot girl Boop has the indomitable soul of a dreamer and the train wreck life of an unruly compulsive. When her dying neighbor requires her help, Boop vows to clean up her act and goes chasing a co
The latest Tweets from Riot Rock Management (@riotrockHQ). Representing: Lacuna Coil, Ocasan, Simone Denny (soul project). CONTACT: [email protected]. Toronto
The latest Tweets from Riot Rock Management (@riotrockHQ). Representing: Lacuna Coil, Ocasan, Simone Denny (soul project). CONTACT: [email protected]. Toronto
CHICAGO RIOT FEST 2014 | Janes Addiction |The Cure|Weezer |Hot Metro Finds | Ted Cantu|The Descendents. Detroit Hot Metro Finds Will Be Covering The BIGGEST Rock Festival Of 2014 in Chicago.
Metal Hearts is a band from Baltimore; Metal Hearts,music,band,indie rock,Baltimore,MD,Anar Badalov,Flora Wolpert-Checknoff,Sam Leiber,Suicide Squeeze,Riot Act Media,Noise Problem
Revenge Radio is an eclectic MP3 blog focusing on demos, unsigned recordings and Australian releases from the 1990s. Rock, metal, punk, riot grrl, indie.
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