Mennonite Village is a nationally accredited, not-for-profit, accredited, Type C Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) in a rural, 275-acre setting in Albany, Oregon
Mennonite Village is a nationally accredited, not-for-profit, accredited, Type C Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) in a rural, 275-acre setting in Albany, Oregon
Mennonite Village is a nationally accredited, not-for-profit, accredited, Type C Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) in a rural, 275-acre setting in Albany, Oregon
Mennonite Village is a nationally accredited, not-for-profit, accredited, Type C Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) in a rural, 275-acre setting in Albany, Oregon
Mennonite Village is a nationally accredited, not-for-profit, accredited, Type C Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) in a rural, 275-acre setting in Albany, Oregon
Mennonite Village is a nationally accredited, not-for-profit, accredited, Type C Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) in a rural, 275-acre setting in Albany, Oregon
Mennonite Village is a nationally accredited, not-for-profit, accredited, Type C Continuing Care Retirement Community (CCRC) in a rural, 275-acre setting in Albany, Oregon
Mennonite In-Home Care provides life-enriching services to people of all faiths throughout Linn, Benton, and southern Marion counties, so they may live comfortably at home for as long as possible
Village Farm Market is a Lancaster County Farmers Market located in Ephrata, Pennsylvania. We will ship Amish Mennonite food all over the United States and Canada. We carry homemade baked pies, cookies, bread and specialty bakery items. We also offer Gift
At Oak Creek we are committed to leading people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ. Oak Creek Christian Center is located at 5775 SE Columbus in Albany, just south of the Mennonite Village. Contemporary worship service begins at 10am on Sunday
Hartville is a historic community near Cleveland & Akron but close to Ohio's famous Amish country - Home of the Heartville Kitchen & Hartville Flea Market
MennoHomes Inc. is a non-profit charitable organization founded in 2001 under the sponsorship of Mennonite Central Committee as a response to the need for affordable housing.
Mennonite Services Northwest (MSNW) is a faith-based, not-for-profit management and consulting company with expertise in providing life-enriching health and housing services to the aging and to individuals experiencing developmental disabilities.
The charming Village of Croghan is located in the Towns of Croghan and New Bremen in Lewis County in Northern New York State. The area was first settled by members of the Oneida tribe of the Iroquois Nation. Immigrants from Switzerland, Germany and Fran
Independent living for active seniors in duplex style homes andapartments: HUD housing, assisted living and nursing care facility; full rehabilitative services including occupational, physical and speech therapy;not for profit, Mennonite Affiliated, retir
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