Aviso helps you understand the future, make better decisions, and exceed revenue expectations.Our Total Revenue Intelligence approach utilizes machine learning to extend portfolio management frameworks. This allows us to generate scenarios, predict outcom
Created by D2L, Brightspace is the best LMS software for online learning and teaching. Discover our learning solutions for K-12, higher education & enterprise today.
HealthcareSource is the leading provider of talent & learning management software used at more than 2,300 healthcare organizations for recruiting, performance, and learning!
Edsby is an innovative cloud-based platform for K-12 school districts that incorporates learning management, data consolidation and insightful analytics.
Moodle is a Learning Platform or course management system (CMS) - a free Open Source software package designed to help educators create effective online courses based on sound pedagogical principles. You can download and use it on any computer you have ha
Canvas is the trusted, open-source learning management system (LMS) that's revolutionizing the way we educate. Take Canvas for a test drive with our free, two-week trial account. Sign up now! Call 800-203-6755.
Create online courses on our cloud based LMS & easy to use eLearning platform. TalentLMS is a SaaS training vendor that makes eLearning awesome. Join for free!
Edvance360LMS-SN is an award winning, feature rich, learning management system (LMS) for corporate training, higher education, and K-12 school districts.
AIMA is a federation of Local Management Associations (LMAs). AIMA today affiliates 64 LMAs across the country and two co-operating management associations i.e. Qatar Indian Management Association and Mauritius Management Association.
Learning Management System, Gradebook, Learning Analytics, and Student Information System for K-12 and college. Jupiter Ed is used in all 50 states for 3.7 million students.
My Learning Plan, Inc. offers education organization district level organizational software and records management and has the leading PDMES, Professional Development and Management Evaluation System for school districts to record and track teach continui
Remote-Learner offers Learning Management Systems (LMS) for Corporate, Higher Education, Government, & K12 and supported with a suite of eLearning services.
NetDimensions provides integrated Learning Management System (LMS) and Talent Management System to organizations in highly regulated industries to facilitate regulatory compliance training and certificaton management needs.
IMT CDL is one of the best centre for distance learning programs in Ghaziabad. IMT college offers a list of PG management courses for both graduates and working professionals through distance learning.
As an Official Moodle & Totara LMS Partner, Webanywhere provide Learning Management Systems, Virtual Learning Environments, Learning Platforms & Web Design.
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