Author Face. Snorri Kristjansson is an Icelandic author currently living in the UK. He enjoys long walks in the country, has a weakness for cake and thoroughly
Gunnar Kristjánsson dr. theol. er fyrrverandi sóknarprestur í Reynivallaprestakalli og prófastur emeritus í Kjalarnessprófastsdæmi (1.4. 1997- 31.1. 2015). Hann býr í Mosfellsbæ ásamt konu sinni Önnu Margréti Höskuldsdóttur kennara. Sérsvið hans í guðfræð
The Herdubreid mountain pillow by Markrun was named after the queen of Icelandic mountains, Herdubreid. The pillows are handmade in Berlin where the Markrun designers, Leopold Kristjansson and Steinunn Arnardottir, live and work. The simple clean shape wa