The Church of the Grail Community in Kenya is a branch of The Liberal Catholic Church Grail Community in the United Kingdom. It is an esoteric, mystical and liberal church aiding seekers to find the Christ within themselves.
The Christian Institute of Spiritual is the web site of a Christian church in Santa Monica, California, that emphasizes meditation, prayer, Christian mysticism, esoteric Bible studies, especially in the works of Hanna Jacob Doumette.
The Eglise Gnostique and the French Gnostic Tradition. The Eglise Gnostique is an independent, sacramental, Gnostic, Esoteric and Apostolic Church whose renaissance took place in 1890 France. Coupled with
the Theosophical, Rosicrucian, Illuminist and M
The Liberal Catholic Church Grail Community is an independent church within the worldwide Liberal Catholic Church which promotes esoteric Christianity and the search for the Universal and Mystical Christ within. Liberal Catholics have teachings which are
Church ov Melkarth
Arisen from scorn and ashes, Church ov Melkarth exists first and foremost as a cabal of esoteric occultism, and channel their energy into music designed to tear down the wall between this world and the next, and align the like-minded wi
International non-profit organization of former Waldorf school directors, administrators, teachers, parents and students informing the public about the sectarian and occult nature of Waldorf education.
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