Marabel Farms is an organic cocoa bean farmer and grower and offers complete line of cocoa ingredients to manufacturers and wholesalers of chocolate, confectionary, food, nutritional supplements, cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. Raw ingredients inclu
Marabel Farms is an organic cocoa bean farmer and grower and offers complete line of cocoa ingredients to manufacturers and wholesalers of chocolate, confectionary, food, nutritional supplements, cosmetic and pharmaceutical products. Raw ingredients inclu
Cocoa Cravings are luscious and sensory-provoking cocoa nibs, cold chocolate drinks and hot cocoas based drinks with the finest all-natural ingredients.
Cocoa Cravings are luscious and sensory-provoking cocoa nibs, cold chocolate drinks and hot cocoas based drinks with the finest all-natural ingredients.
Nova Monda Cacao & Chocolate is an artisanal and varietal chocolate maker in Boulder County, Colorado. Our passion is your best chocolate experience ever.
Cocoa Family Farms has been in the organic cocoa bean farming for decades, providing wholesale raw products for U.S., European and Middle Eastern Markets.
Choco Maya Chocolate is the finest chocolate since ancient times! Grown, harvested, and produced, in the Honduran jungle - the birthplace of chocolate.
We are a small family farm dedicated to health, life, and sustainability. East Maui Chocolate grows our own fruit and chocolate organically and sustainably. We would like to help you achieve your dream of growing your own food and planing your future.
Cocoa Family Farms has been in the organic cocoa bean farming for decades, providing wholesale raw products for U.S., European and Middle Eastern Markets.
Nova Monda Cacao & Chocolate is an artisanal and varietal chocolate maker in Boulder County, Colorado. Our passion is your best chocolate experience ever.
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