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SHEN Kai(Kevin)-Chinese Conference Interpreter Based in Beijing.Simultaneous and consecutive interpreting for international conferences, delegations, due diligence, finance, banking, anti-dumping
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The National Chinese Language Conference (NCLC) is dedicated to enhancing the nation’s capacity for the teaching and learning of Chinese language and culture by sharing cutting-edge practices and examples with educators and policymakers.
The National Chinese Language Conference (NCLC) is dedicated to enhancing the nation’s capacity for the teaching and learning of Chinese language and culture by sharing cutting-edge practices and examples with educators and policymakers.
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English Mandarin Chinese Conference Interpreter Simultaneous Consecutive Interpretation Interpreting Telephone Video Subtitle Listening Web Translation Oral Translating Translator Professional Accredited Famous Acclaimed VIP Service Transcription ATA memb
Organised by the HKTDC and the Modernized Chinese Medicine International Association Ltd (MCMIA), the International Conference & Exhibition of the Modernization of Chinese Medicine & Health Products (ICMCM) takes place at the HKCEC, providing a leading gl
SHEN Kai(Kevin)-Chinese Conference Interpreter Based in Beijing.Simultaneous and consecutive interpreting for international conferences, delegations, due diligence, finance, banking, anti-dumping
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