Contrary to the belief that Assyrians and Babylonians have disappeared, this web site present their current days descendents, the Chaldeans of Mesopotamia
This website is about the Iraqi Christians that have been scattered all over the world. It is an online community for the Assyrians, Chaldeans and Syriani's.
Assyrian Voice: Educate, Entertain and Connect with everything that is Assyrian out there, anywhere and anytime. We offer Chat, Forums, Pictures, Music, News, Events, Sports and so much more. Over 6000 registered members.
Kurdistan Refugee Crisis! America responds with coats and blankets for Arab Christian and Muslim refugees hiding in the mountain in urgent need of warm clothing
Iraqwho contains a few hundred pages of history covering 7000 years of civilization, a thorough study of Iraqi culture and heritage, various types of maps and a photo gallery of about 1000 rare photographs.
Iraqwho contains a few hundred pages of history covering 7000 years of civilization, a thorough study of Iraqi culture and heritage, various types of maps and a photo gallery of about 1000 rare photographs.
Iraqwho contains a few hundred pages of history covering 7000 years of civilization, a thorough study of Iraqi culture and heritage, various types of maps and a photo gallery of about 1000 rare photographs.
One must choose between being a man of science or a believer, because they are generally considered to be mutually exclusive. If one agrees that words mean things, then an unbiased fair read of Gods Word presents no su
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