Canadian Hometown Heroes honours those that serve or that have served Canada and Canadians in the Canadian Armed Forces, Police, Fire, Rescue, Coast Guard and Emergency Services
The Canadian Vietnam Veterans Association - CVVA (MB), is a non-profit fraternal association to assist and support the Vietnam Veterans and their families.
The largest military tattoo ever produced in Canada. Performed in over 40 location across Canada with 150 shows to over 2 million Canadians to celebrate Canada's 100th centennial birthday!
Canadian Hometown Heroes honours those that serve or that have served Canada and Canadians in the Canadian Armed Forces, Police, Fire, Rescue, Coast Guard and Emergency Services
The Canadian Vietnam Veterans Association - CVVA (MB), is a non-profit fraternal association to assist and support the Vietnam Veterans and their families.
The largest military tattoo ever produced in Canada. Performed in over 40 location across Canada with 150 shows to over 2 million Canadians to celebrate Canada's 100th centennial birthday!
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