The Write Thought, founded by Stephen Blake Mettee, publishes books, fiction and nonfiction, in all ways digital. Our genres include California, self-help, writing, history, business, hard-boiled detective, literary novels.
The Write Thought, founded by Stephen Blake Mettee, publishes books, fiction and nonfiction, in all ways digital. Our genres include California, self-help, writing, history, business, hard-boiled detective, literary novels.
The Write Thought, founded by Stephen Blake Mettee, publishes books, fiction and nonfiction, in all ways digital. Our genres include California, self-help, writing, history, business, hard-boiled detective, literary novels.
Heyday is an independent, nonprofit publisher and unique cultural institution. We promote widespread awareness and celebration of California's many cultures, landscapes, and boundary-breaking ideas. Through our well-crafted books, public events,
The Book Juggler is a used bookstore in Willits, California specializing in Sci-Fi, Fantasy, Mysteries, and much more. We also have a great selection of printed sheet music, CDs, comic books, graphic novels, and gaming supplies.
The Ina Coolbrith Circle is a community of California writers dedicated to nurturing the poetry and history of the Golden State through meetings, readings, lectures, publications, contests and other events.
Heyday is an independent, nonprofit publisher and unique cultural institution. We promote widespread awareness and celebration of California's many cultures, landscapes, and boundary-breaking ideas. Through our well-crafted books, public events, and
Literary Agents Los Angeles - FREE Literary Agent Directory, advice about California book agents, and news from a former NY Times bestselling book agent.
The Gately Foundation provides grants and scholarships to fund programs, projects, community service organizations generally for charitable, medical, literary, or educational purposes, and as well for endeavors associated with the prevention of cruelty to
A boutique literary agency based in Los Angeles—representing exceptional writers of books, film and television. In addition to representing the dramatic rights to books, RWSG maintains a top tier roster of film and television writers.
WALC is a non-profit organization dedicated to teaching people to read, write, and speak the English language. WALC has served Whittier and adjacent Southern California communities since 1962.
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A literary small press book publisher in McKinleyville, California. We're in business because we value good ideas and good writing, and because we love books and reading.
Arroyo Literary Review is a print-based publication produced annually by students and alumni of California State University, East Bay. Each issue reflects the creative diversity found in the San Francisco Bay Area literary scene, while bringing together m
Olympia-native Jackson Burgess studies Creative Writing and Narrative Studies at the University of Southern California, where he is a Greenberg Fellow for Poetry and a Trustee Scholar. Jackson is Editor in Chief and Co-Founder of Fractal Literary Magazine
Ashcan Magazine is an independent arts and culture zine, with both web and print issues, covering the underground music and literary scene in the San Francisco Bay Area in California and beyond.
A visual literary site featuring various writings of Andrew Clarke, many done in Big Sur, California, and including as subjects Ernest Hemingway, Maria Callas, Paris, Olympics, Europe travel, and many others.
Annum Khan holds an M.S. from the Columbia Journalism School and a B.A. from the University of California, Irvine where she majored in literary journalism and global cultures, with a primary emphasis on the Pacific Rim and secondary emphasis on Hispanic/U
The Write Thought, founded by Stephen Blake Mettee, publishes books, fiction and nonfiction, in all ways digital. Our genres include California, self-help, writing, history, business, hard-boiled detective, literary novels.
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