SAP, Infrastructure, Communications, Software and Experts: CONET solutions and services for industry, public sector as well as defense & public security
A strenghtening of the corporate image and further acquisitions led to the concentration of all corporate administrative tasks of the CONET Group in the holding company.
SAP, Infrastructure, Communications, Software & Experts: CONET-Leistungen für Industrie und Handel, den öffentlichen Sektor sowie Defense & Public Security
SAP ✓ Infrastructure ✓ Communications ✓ Software ✓ Experts ✓ CONET bietet IT-Lösungen und Consulting für Unternehmen, E-Government und Public Security.
SAP, Infrastructure, Communications, Software & Experts: CONET-Leistungen für Industrie und Handel, den öffentlichen Sektor sowie Defense & Public Security
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