Brainport Development is een ontwikkelbedrijf dat door te bouwen aan de internationale concurrentiekracht van Brainport werkt aan welvaart en welzijn in de regio en daarmee bijdraagt aan een duurzamer, zorgzamer, schoner en veiliger Nederland.
The AAL Venture Days are part of the AAL Forum 2012 that bring together Dutch and international investors and rapidly growing high-tech companies from Brainport Eindhoven Region, the Netherlands and the rest of Europe...
Holst Centre - located at High Tech Campus Eindhoven, in the heart of the Brainport region - is an open-innovation initiative by imec and TNO; perfroming research on flexible electronics and wireless sensor technologies.
Holst Centre - located at High Tech Campus Eindhoven, in the heart of the Brainport region - is an open-innovation initiative by imec and TNO; perfroming research on flexible electronics and wireless sensor technologies.
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