Creative Biographic offers services and supports to develop multimedia memoirs, biographies and histories for people, families, communities and businesses.
Creative Biographic offers services and supports to develop multimedia memoirs, biographies and histories for people, families, communities and businesses.
Merkatum is a biometric resolution (fingerprint, facial, and iris recognition) and identity management systems provider. Our emfiva F/FRS appliance detects ID fraud, increases security & reduces costs
Marked For Destruction. A Biographic Chronicle by John Caravella. The fact-based diary account of Adele Fraulen. They took her freedom, her life, her money. A neighbor's exhaustive fight freed her from captivity. It's a lesson to us all!
Multi-Discipline Design Catalog, Personal Brand Identity and Lifestyle of David Son Delorian Harris & Preshush Marquita Shannel Kelley, a biographic progressive music, web, video, photography and graphic design installation.
HOME , DESIGN , , , BIOGRAPHIC INFO , I am Alyson Wegner. A native of California, I am now in New York pursuing an Assosiates Degree in Fashion Design at Parsons the New
This website serves as a basic archive of biographic and artistic information about dancer/choreographer Catherine Littlefield (1905-51). It is also the online complement to the print biography Catherine Littlefield: Making Ballet American by Sharon Skee
The web site for Brooklyn, NY artist Gail Flanery. The site provides some biographic information, a sample of work, and a contact form to get in touch with Gail.
Official site of the Hollywood motion picture Paradise. Follow the turbulent making of this biographic movie about the dramatic life of Las Vegas singer-turned-philosopher Patricia Paradise.
Paula Saponaro is an artist living and working in the United States' Great Basin. Her website offers biographic information and samples of her work for sale.
Multi-Discipline Design Catalog, Personal Brand Identity and Lifestyle of David Son Delorian Harris & Preshush Marquita Shannel Kelley, a biographic progressive music, web, video, photography and graphic design installation.
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