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I am S. M. Quamruzzaman Rahmani (Byron). I am a Bangladeshi Software Engineer & working at OnnoRokom Software as a Project Manager. I design and develop desktop, web , mobile, n-tire application.
contracting Internet programmers and web developer team, software contractor, Experienced on managing programming projects, building online applications, using MySQL, HTML, XML, DHTML, and more
Software Engineer capable of developing robust platforms, rich mobile and web applications, and various interactive solutions to scale. UX Designer demonstrating expert level proficiency in designing user interfaces that promote a unique and immersive use
Shahid Karimi | A results-driven, customer-focused, articulate and analytical Senior Software Engineer who can think out of the box.Strong in design and integration problem solving skills. Expert in JavaScript, PHP(Yii,Laravel), PhoneGape, Nod.js, Python,
Information Technology computer systems and Internet services firm based in northeastern PA, Accomplished Project Manager, Team Leader and Software Engineer.
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