The Transmembrane Protein Center (TMPC) was established in July 2010 with the funding of a contract from the National Institute of General Medical Sciences (NIH). The goals of the TMPC are to apply technologies developed by the Protein Structure Initiativ
We are proud to introduce our collection of almost 2,000 polyclonal antibodies generated against uncharacterized human transmembrane or secreted proteins. The antibodies were made at Primm facility using recombinant protein antigens produced from genes co
XBI: Xuyue (Beijing) BioFunction Institute
Amherst, MA 01002
XBI: Xuyue BioFunction Institute uses NMT: Non-invasive Micro-test Technology to provide research services around the world. NMT can detect transmembrane fluxes of specific ions/
XBI: Xuyue (Beijing) BioFunction Institute
Amherst, MA 01002
XBI: Xuyue BioFunction Institute uses NMT: Non-invasive Micro-test Technology to provide research services around the world. NMT can detect transmembrane fluxes of specific ions/
Axon Medchem | Prime source supplier of high-value life science products, providing Axon Ligands™ for pharmaceutical research as world-wide recognized drug standards
Michael Koval's laboratory at Emory University School of Medicine. We work on the cell biology and biochemistry of proteins involved in cell-cell interactions, including gap junctions and tight junctions. A major emphasis is examing roles for these
Michael Koval's laboratory at Emory University School of Medicine. We work on the cell biology and biochemistry of proteins involved in cell-cell interactions, including gap junctions and tight junctions. A major emphasis is examing roles for these prote