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Welcome to Crazy Contraptions – a division of Universal Services Associates, Inc. Our Crazy Contraptions™ product line is a direct spin – off of our custom Museum fabrication business.
We offer ready to order products that can be used for outreach exhibi
Mark Bradford (Scrapdaddy), a Houstonian for the past thirty-nine years, has had quite a diverse career in art including art cars, kinetic sculptures and contraptions.
Costumes, Ideas, and Equipment for costuming.
I hope to make my hobby into a home business someday soon. For now Progress marches forward as visions of Confounding Contraptions slowly approach reality.
Build your own toys and robots.
Build a website,
computer game, digital music score, 3D graphics animation.
Collaborate with
engineers, artists and toy inventors.
Discussing science, Mindcraft, and skepticism. Save money by offering some deal, coupons, and promo codes. Play designer board games like Catan, Ticket to