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Website for The F Word, a feminist media collective based in Vancouver, BC, Canada. The F Word runs a feminist radio show on Coop radio and a Youth Media Project to educate teens on gender issues in the media.
I am a PhD candidate in the Department of Communication with an emphasis in Critical/Cultural Studies at the University of Washington. My research interrogates the cultural production, representation, and reception of the active body in popular media. In
Feminism in India is an award-winning digital feminist org that amplifies voices of women and the marginalized using art, media culture, tech and community.
Jessica Mills is an actress, writer, producer, feminist, Texan, transmedia enthusiast, social media addict, geek. She does tons of cool shit, check it out.
Megan Kearns is a media critic, freelance writer and a feminist vegan blogger. As Social Media Director and Staff Writer at Bitch Flicks, Megan reviews films, television series and media from a feminist perspective and spearheads the site's socia
Dina Hoffman, contemporary artist from Israel, works in plastic art and arts of mixed media of women, feminist art and study of women from mythology assemblage of Magdalena, Artemis Hermes and others.
I am a PhD student in the Brian Lamb School of Communication at Purdue University. My research interests involve exploring the intersections between media, technology, and feminist theory. Specifically, I am interested in women's access to and experi
My name is Lara. I am a writer, editor, and designer based in Washington, DC. I am fascinated with the art of storytelling, with specific interests in creative nonfiction and new media. I'm a passionate feminist, a travel addict, a singer/songwr
Research and teaching interests include 20/21 century American literature, digital humanities, new media studies, feminist theory, postcolonial literature and theory, and globalization studies