Wadokai Online Webshop is your supplier of quality Wado Karate and Budo books and DVDs as well as the place to subscribe for High Level Wado Seminars and Karate Summer Camps.
Stour Karate - Wado-Ryu Karate club based in North Dorset. Classes for all ages and grades on a Tuesday evening in Durweston and on a Friday evening in Iwerne Minster.
Martial arts instruction in Wado-Ryu karate in Antioch and Smyrna, TN (near Nashville, Tennessee) by internationally certified, award winning instructor, Sensei Steven O'Riley, Rokudan (6th degree black belt)
The American Wado-Ryu Karate-Do Academy is the premier school of authentic Wado-Ryu Karate in Massachusetts. Sensei Tyrone Pardue is a 6th Dan instructor with official certification from Wado-Ryu headquarters in Tokyo, Japan.
Welcome to Dumfries Wado-Ryu Karate club Dumfries Wado-Ryu Karate Club teaches traditional style Wado-Ryu karate, that said the club often welcomes others to attend and provide instruction in their styles also, such as Judo and Aikido. The club welcomes
Northern Ireland Karate-Do Wado-Kai is a functional site providing information on local Karate clubs throughout Ireland in one central information point