A Genuine Psychic Medium, Judy has a gift. She can reveal secrets to success to love and happiness in your life through several mediums - Psychic Mediumship, Clairvoyant Readings, Palm Readings, Tarot Card, Crystal Healings and Celtic Cross.
Pina Di Ghionno is a divine healer. She channels soul songs in the divine lanuage, Divine universal healing, Crystals, Colour & Sound Therapy, Reiki, Ascended Master, Angels Goddesses and Faires and much more.
Crystal Skull Information: A group of Reiki Master/Teachers working with Crystal Skulls to help raise the vibrations of Mother Earth for her transitation and Ascension.
Over twenty thousand empowering astrology and spiritual articles, channelings, crystal healings, angel messages and more! Curated daily from worldwide mediums, astrologers, healers, life coaches, spiritual speakers, Artists and authors from around the wor
A Genuine Psychic Medium, Judy has a gift. She can reveal secrets to success to love and happiness in your life through several mediums - Psychic Mediumship, Clairvoyant Readings, Palm Readings, Tarot Card, Crystal Healings and Celtic Cross.
Crystal Healing - Crystal Healings, Crystal Healing in India. Unique Crystal Healing Books, Lessons on Using,storing and programming healing crystals, Healing Crystal Layouts, Healing Crystals of the month, Using Healing Crystals and Reiki, Message board.
Sacred Beginnings teaches classes to empower and heal your life. Mystery School ancient teachings, sacred healings, jikiden Reiki, crystal healings are all here to help you to find your true self.
A Group of Reiki Master/ Teachers working with Crystal Skulls to help Mother Earth raise the vibrations for her transitation and Ascension. We do Energy Healings with the Skulls also.
Deborah Norman is a psychological astrologer for Triskele of Light Astro Therapies, a psychological astrologer that offers services in psychological insights, Tera Mai Reiki and Seichem, crystal healings, astrology readings, massage and counseling. Ms. No