Christine Picavet has been accepting commissions since 1975. She is equally proficient at painting highly detailed portraits and impressionistic scenes. Her clients include international horse owners and breeders, racetracks, corporations, and celebritie
Commissaires aux Comptes et Experts Comptables, nous sommes basés à Quimperlé et exerçons sur une large zone géographique. Nos clients sont notamment implantés dans le Grand Ouest, mais nous apportons nos compétences aux entreprises quelle que soit leur l
KAP Kite Aerial Photography e sue varianti, l'autore, Riccardo Pedone, descrive le principali tecniche e fornisce consigli utili per eseguire fotografie da aquiloni.
COLLECTIVE ILLUSION is a performance installation. COLLECTIVE ILLUSION is both a danced and theatrical event. COLLECTIVE ILLUSION consists of a group of performers integrating original sound-works and image-works. The group of performers with the sound an