The Seventh Spectrum is a new series of interconnected films available exclusively online. In this mysterious world, all is not as it seems — strange creatures, unusual powers, and hidden lands await beyond our spectrum of reality.
There are many spectrums of reality. Ours is the seventh. Strange creatures, unusual powers, and hidden lands await beyond the Seventh Spectrum. This world comes to life through an anthology of interconnected short films. As different filmmakers bring the
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There are many spectrums of reality. Ours is the seventh. Strange creatures, unusual powers, and hidden lands await beyond the Seventh Spectrum. This world comes to life through an anthology of interconnected short films. As different filmmakers bring the
There are many spectrums of reality. Ours is the seventh. Strange creatures, unusual powers, and hidden lands await beyond the Seventh Spectrum. This world comes to life through an anthology of interconnected short films. As different filmmakers bring the
There are many spectrums of reality. Ours is the seventh. Strange creatures, unusual powers, and hidden lands await beyond the Seventh Spectrum. This world comes to life through an anthology of interconnected short films. As different filmmakers bring the