Reasons To Believe is a ministry devoted to integrating science and faith and to demonstrating how the latest science affirms our faith in the God of the Bible.
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By: Lena Dunham|September 24, 2014. Lena Dunham - 2012 Election This is me
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26 Reasons Why Jews Don't Believe In Jesus? If you were asked why Jews don't believe in Jesus what would you say? Would you be able to confidently explain the difference between Jewish and Christian beliefs? Can you explain to your children why Jesus is n
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Author of The 50 Reasons Series, The Half-Life of Hannah, The Case of the Missing Boyfriend, The French House, 13:55 Eastern Standard Time, Other Halves...
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Is there even one good reason why a person should believe in Jesus Christ? This site explains five thought-provoking reasons a week for believing the Bible, history, and science regarding Jesus. You’re welcome to join the discussion!
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